
That is one good thing about this world... There are always sure to be more springs." — L.M. Montgomery If you check up the meaning of the word ‘hibernation’ you will find that it is described as a period of time spent inactive and indoors. Another definition says that it is a condition of an [...]

When the golden oriole calls

March 22nd 2020 was an unusual sort of a day. It was the day of the ‘Janata curfew’ declared by the government.In keeping with the government's  orders or rather request to its people, all of us stayed at home. I realized the immense implications of this day only when a beautiful haunting call caught my [...]

Peaceful coexistence.

Amidst all the scary news that is circulating on social media I woke this morning to a beautiful forward that proclaimed that the dolphins are returning to the Italian coasts. The news reader went on to say that humans retreating and staying home has spelt peace to the animal kingdom. Not only are the swans [...]


I suppose sometime or the other all of us have wished for that perfect getaway where we are all alone with just us and the moment. Well, this seems to be exactly just such a time .With the corona virus in the air and isolation the name of the game! As of now Life has [...]