Drawing forth my reality

Acceptance never came easy to me. Perhaps I had never really learnt how to breathe in life to the fullest. I have heard a master say that only those who offered resistance to life suffered from breathing problems. As I huffed and puffed through life asthmatically, I would tell myself sternly “Acceptance is the key.” [...]


Is there anything as heart breaking as the fall of a tree? When the trees of our apartment fell in the recent cyclonic storm, all of us were as shattered as the trees in question. We could hardly bear to see the fallen trees. To make matters worse, the next morning , we had to [...]

Forwards free zone?

It was a lovely morning and as I got out of bed, I was gearing up to face a beautiful day when ping! went my phone. I felt too relaxed to even lean forward and pick it up from the table near my bed. “What if it’s something important?” I wondered suddenly and reached out [...]

Enough and more.

Having been thoroughly washed and rewashed with soap water, the fruits and vegetables on the table wink at me looking squeaky clean. There is enough of them to last me for quite a few days.The breakfast on the table also is enough and more because I still can’t seem to remember that my maid isn’t [...]

And this too shall pass…

"Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise."-Victor Hugo And this too  shall pass… There is nothing like this phrase for helping put things into perspective. When we are stuck in a place of darkness, these words help remind us that in this world nothing is permanent and everything be it good [...]


That is one good thing about this world... There are always sure to be more springs." — L.M. Montgomery If you check up the meaning of the word ‘hibernation’ you will find that it is described as a period of time spent inactive and indoors. Another definition says that it is a condition of an [...]

When the golden oriole calls

March 22nd 2020 was an unusual sort of a day. It was the day of the ‘Janata curfew’ declared by the government.In keeping with the government's  orders or rather request to its people, all of us stayed at home. I realized the immense implications of this day only when a beautiful haunting call caught my [...]